Monday, August 8, 2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Leo, moon in Leo; archangel Uriel; month Hamaliel; color Indigo; #8; 2nd. Corinthians 9:6: Jude 24:

Believe in light beautiful-bring reality to fruition;  Each of our acts an ornament of grace. A small flicker  of light matters. Intimacy with our Supreme Divine God , work with the people supply ideas. Think REPRESENT... 

Sunday, August 7, 2016; Sun reigns; sun in Leo; moon Leo; archangel Uriel; MONTH Hamaliel;  color golden/yellow; #1,7: First Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 2:8:

Lovely earth, our Supreme Divine God is liberally offerings thoughts. Accomplishments Trust.
Mystical path responsible DEVELOPMENT...

Monday, August 8, 2016; Sun in Leo; moon in Virgo; archangel Gabriel; month Hamaliel; color green; #1; Acts 9:6; Philemon 4:5:

Regards for all.
The word of salvation determination.
Heart to love. Share in world. Accept  the primacy of our Supreme Divine God. Focus with diligence better trust.
Represent. Balance consciousness WISELY...

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