Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011; Moon reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Gabriel; month angel Gabriel; color green; number 2, 4;
1st. Peter 3:7; 2nd. Samuel 23:3:
Happiness is the manifesting of wisdom and love. Companionship is the sense of all friendships eternal. Let our crowning achievement be love and  Praises to our Supreme Divine God. Learn to comprehend the child spirit on our journey to LIFE...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 29, 2011; sun reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Scorpio; archangel Michael; month Gabriel; color orange/gold; #s 1, 7; 2nd. Corinthians 6:18:

The Supreme Divine god places us in command positions that we should rise to fill. Await your orders and support. Prepare yourself with gratitude to be rewarded. Think and the answers are forming. Create and promote the fellowship of good. Claim your inheritance with a waking spirit. Guided by inner peace, honor each with unity and faith .Celebrate UNIQUENESS...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Scorpio; archangel Uriel; month angel Gabriel; color Indigo; number 8; Psalms 33:22:
Vibrancy with equal leverage. Be touched by the angelic host from within and be restored. The laws of the Supreme Divine God reigns eternally . Educate implore and elevate people to reaching that highest plateau. Travel the cosmos of our universe within. Excite in the quest to replenish. Recognize each other's importance and love. Guidance and PRAY...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Scorpio; archangel Anael; month angel Gabriel; color blue; number 6; Colossions 6:2; Philemon 4 6&7:
Life is the premiere show with music and a multitude to worship. Adjust to the recognition of humanity and all return to the gates of our Supreme Divine God. Such a lovely place flowing with love, laughter and innermost truth.  Chart a new course where the sun and calm guides us. Deliver on all PROMISES...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Libra; archangel Sachiel;  month angel Gabriel;  Color Purple; number 3; First Corinthians 10:12;
The places we have pleasure in viewing are those nature's paradise. Consciously  improve and change ourselves  to join the circle of love as precede by by the Supreme Divine God. Spend time with critical thought of this power. Magic is righteous command of mercy. Stand ready as the seed emerges care for one another and the universal path of generosities  and KINDNESS...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Virgo; archangel Raphael; month Gabriel; color yellow; number 5; Proverbs 8;17; First Chronicles 29:8:
Accomplish those thoughts by sharing your wisdom. Influence the incredible in expressing the essence of the Supreme Divine God by interceding on behalf of our  beloved friends and loved ones.Be ever happier each new given moment. Ambition is our reasonable frontiers set. Keep our role and attain silent CONVERSION...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Virgo; archangel Samael; month angel Gabriel; color red; number 9; Psalms 34:7:
Each day give to the rewards of life accumulated. Trillion thanks for friends and the beautiful spirit you share. Go on today with vigilance and high energy. Assimilate and copy. Perfect the soul through the word. Bear your conscience well. The high vibrational  tone of our Supreme Divine God offers a magnetic power to help the muddle become clear. Become a witness in action to UNIVERSALITY...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011; Moon reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Virgo; archangel Gabriel; month angel Gabriel; color green; numbers 2, 4; 2nd. Peter 3:15& 16:
Appreciate the warmth and glory in the mind and spring will arrive. The wisdom of  mortals is derived from the Supreme Divine God our source. Attract the super conscious as it appears in our glowing thoughts of creative solutions. "Innertate" to calm and heal the organs.  Reverse cause into affect. The flowers bloom from winter's patience. Allow today to deliver its FULLNESS...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011; Sun reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Leo; archangel Michael; month angel Gabriel; color gold/orange; numbers 1,7; Second Corinthians 6:16:

Express the virtues of our humanity irregardless of its moments. Set the bright charts to shine in true form. Divide our acts and thoughts in both realms and then by choice be guided. In unity and faith we thank the Supreme Divine God for guidance and protection.. Patience develops skills. Commit to constant growth. Honor the fantasies and JOY...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Leo; archangel Uriel; month angel Gabriel; color indigo; number 8; Isaiah 26:3; Matthew 11:28:

From humble starts we can strive to the apex of our lives. Awake with our Supreme Divine God rendering life and wellness by simple obedience. Work in harmony with values. Follow time on the path. Convince ourselves on legitimate glory. Choreograph the vernacular oaf righteousness. Express light elite. Practice accepting. Expand the musical notes of RECONCILIATION...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in  Sextent; Archangel Anael; month angel Gabriel; color blue; number 6; James 1:5:
Give the best effort of the common task and it will result in a magical 'touch down' inaugurating victory. It matters . The mercy of the  Sovereign Supreme Divine God in all acts. The love when its challenging is most important duty. Build friendship directly and in the heart. Grow today by yesterday's decisive faith. Analyze responsibly PASSIONATELY...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Aquarius; moon in Leo; archangel Sachiel; month Gabriel; color purple; number 3; Luke 11: 1&9:
Follow the instincts of those insects that create empires of friendship and cooperation that last for moments or endless as music. Be the messenger of the power patterns and will. In courageous love are songs of the Supreme Divine God. Our ordinary lives are linked closely to the progress our daily and neighborly endeavors. ENCOURAGE...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Cancer; archangel Raphael; moon in Gabriel; color yellow; number 5; Psalms 136:1:
Our duty to the universe requires great contributions. The sowing religion of the world is the desire to dwell amongst one another. Expand and direct a perfect journey of relationships we cajole and let flourish beauty. Unity and confidence are task for all. Challenges are through the power of God Supreme Divine. Take all PATHS...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 18, 2011; Moon reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Gemini; archangel Gabriel; month angel Gabriel; color Green; number 2,4. First Samuel 3:18; Revelations 3:4:
The Visions we garner are spirit miracles. Our children are the worlds adopt them into adulthood. Delight in the Supreme Divine God and be in peace. The towering achievement are those loving memories and tiny ripples. Fix your thoughts humbly and righteously act in glorious INSIGHT...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011; Moon reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Taurus; archangel Gabriel; month Gabriel; color green; number 2,4; +Numbers 6:7:
The life we live is the reflection of those who gave  this opportunity. Thanks! Chisel new qualities to create a master piece each day. Glean the essence of our lessons in a polite way. Ensure and reinforce with prayers. Begin thanking the Supreme Divine God randomly. Magnify and glorify all the works and challenges. Fulfill the destiny of our teacher's teachings. Acknowledge all gifts let us reign in PRINCIPLE...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011; Sun reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Taurus; archangel Michael; month Gabriel; color gold/orange; numbers 1, 7; Hebrews 4:9:

Allow your voice to carry the message of change all over. Recognize your skills, talents and commitments by broadcasting. Carry the message from the Supreme Divine God. A sequel of new ideas are currency to share. Find perfect peace in Spirit. Meditate and develop. We to new ideas and remain faithful. Gradually emerge to new OPPORTUNITIES...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Taurus; archangel Uriel; month Gabriel. color indigo; #8; Psalms 32:8:As the journey we take to the mountaintop travel in the valley with dignity and strength. All play a role to leverage  and influence those who charge. Lighten the burden on each we touch. Remember the Omnipotent truth obedience is the freedom that is endless coupled with certainty always being reminded of the Infinite God Supreme DIVINE...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Aries; archangel Anael; month Gabriel; color blue; number 6; John 14:15;
The most profound counseling is simply listening. Smile as we touch the day. Endure and move inward where lies the most dynamic angelic power. Words are shield we lend each other to perfect their wealth. Work like the entire throng of heaven is at your assist that is the Supreme Divine God Most Sovereign. Share today let us develop HUMANITY... 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Pisces; archangel Sachiel; month Gabriel; color purple; # 3 Matthew 24:13:
The objective in life is to first give and then more important to be compassionate. Nature offer us the gleaming spirit  which brings in the miracles. We are prophets of truth and light our new found vibrations of expression. The Supreme Divine God provides ample sustinance  for all to enjoy. Help one another and let the debate guide us to the objective of caring EXCEPTIONAL...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Pisces; archangel Raphael; month Gabriel; color yellow; number 5; Galatians 2:20:
This day is the one we have lived for all our lives. Honor it. Test your righteousness in all your works. Obey implicitly and develop a kind and just spirit. Always contemporaneous leads to effective results. Praise and glorify the Supreme Divine God Sovereign of all truth. Become ready to learn consciously as A DISCIPLE...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011; Mars reign; Sun in Capricorn; moon in Pisces; archangel Samael; month Gabriel; color red; number 9; Psalms 31:3:
Compassion begins with good leadership and a desire to help. Ignite life in every spark of powerful quality. Return to the God Supreme Divine centeredness. Take heed to calm forever. When you have acted honestly and with principle go with all your heart. Steadfast willingness and HUMILITY...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011; Moon reigns; sun in Capricorn ; Archangel Gabriel; month Gabriel; color green; numbers 2,4; 2nd.Corithians 9:8; Isaiah 30:21:
Nourish and inspire the people you touch with a pleasant smile or an affirming nod. Lay the foundation of eternal love lodging together with the length of the Supreme Divine God. Our reliance on the angelic forms enables the translation of the rhythmic miracles. Good thoughts bring life and form to add colors. Convey the wisdom of the wise wonders. Celebrate the need. Acknowledge our gifts. Walk this PATH...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday January 9, 2011; Sun reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Aquarius; archangel Michael; month Gabriel; color orange/gold; # 1,7; Proverbs 28:20; Philemom 4:13:

The special moment awaits us in full spirit. Share our world with all experiences as you enjoy same. Combine images and colors in your creation so others can smile. Develop and debut a new sound of shining glory. Be the good news light of eternity. Emphatic feelings and thoughts are our power. Devotion to the Supreme Divine GOD...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday January 8, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Aquarius; archangel Uriel; month Gabriel; color Indigo; number 8; Psalms 5:12; John 10:27;

We are the most important yet insignificant aspect of the universe. Our marriage to eternity is the existence in relationship to the Supreme Divine God Speak the choicest of the spectacular and wondrous world. Our faith is that deep light that shines in our thoughts .Equal in grace is our eternal EPIPHANY...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Aquarius; archangel Anael; month Gabriel; color blue; number 6; Proverbs 3:5; John 15:15:
The mind is our accounts of wealth and health. Immediately recognize our affiliation as children of the Supreme Divine God. Be on successful with your speech and acts. Enjoy the offerings of friendship and family. Spark the arms of pleasure in the quality of the highest art guiding a wonderful perspective. Be always OPTIMISTIC...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Capricorn; archangel Sachiel; month angel Gabriel; color purple; number 3; Luke 1:78; Psalms 84:11:
Perpetual commitment is the key to the fullness of the light of our Supreme Divine God. Grow the creativity and manifest to heal all. The wonders of the seven notes, three primary/three secondary colors and of course the twenty six letters elevate all of creation. Here lies the power of life. Recognize and act with all deliberate urgency. Believe in the iridescent JOY...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Raphael; month Gabriel; color yellow; number5 ; Mark 9:23;
The most simple moment is the miracle. Expect the most of today and cross over the past. Honor all and entertain each angel we meet. Be ever glorious in efforts as others seek a smile. As a delegate of the Supreme Divine we serve accordingly well. Reconcile and free self from those thoughts in SILENCE...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Capricorn; archangel Samael; month Gabriel; color red; number 9; Psalms 61:2; Luke 17:5:
Allow the green in our hearts to flourish and heal the concerns. Let loving kindness proceed in all our efforts. Be the creative breathe that governs our spiritual and emotional realms as the influences our physical, clarity and comfort respond to all issues. A multitude of mercy is our shield. Give evidence in all things as prescribed by the Supreme Divine God. Deliver good in a state of HUMILITY...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011; moon reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Gabriel; month angel Gabriel; color green; numbers 2, 4; Exodus 33:21; Isaiah 48:17:
This glorious moment in time call all the infinite power from within. This change meant to guide us and help maturation. Practice your philosophical teachings with time. Be honest with ourselves and build an ark for others to shield. God Supreme Divine direct us to freedom and make us shine for improvement. Establish your cosmos of friends and those who need one. Transform and ACCEPT...

Sunday, January 2, 2011; sun reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Scorpio; archangel Michael; month Gabriel; color gold/orange; number 1,7; First Corinthians 10:31:
Magical consequences emerge as we blend our wonders.  Experience the joy of living everyday. Begin to develop the visible success from the invisible thoughts of faith. Wrought love deeds as prescribed by our Supreme Divine God. Giving thanks for intellect. Freedom is the ultimate step in glorious acceptance. Peace begins in our ideological SPHERE...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Capricorn; moon in Scorpio; color Indigo; number 8; Deuteronomy 33:25; Ist. Corinthians 15:10:
In the beginning see the spirit of our Supreme Divine God and 20 Eleven will be overwhelmed with miracles.  Successively the signs will emerge us fragrant gifts. Hold up encouragement to find portals. Seek the answers deep within. Declare the year of the people all sharing in its significance. Let us all harvest the reign and harvest ENJOYMENT...