Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016; Moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; archangel Gabriel; month Barbiel; color green; #2,4: 2nd. Colossions 9&10; 

The a prime blessings are with us. Faith senses potential and belief. Ourselves are greatest.
Be known to our Supreme Divine God. Excellent thoughts words and acts; Ecclesiastical. Commitment to family  and society. Forgiveness vibration of truth. Flower, earth LOYAL...

Saturday, October 29, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Uriel. month Barbiel; color Indigo; # 8; Romans 5:2; Canticles 1:3:

Pray for honor the pleasure of work. The likeness of our character. Trust in love and highest power of our Supreme Divine God. Be endower ed with greater strength; eternal light. Grow awareness familiar to classical jazz. Seek the scale of wisdom and TRUTH...

Sunday, October 30, 2016; Sun reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Michael; month Barbiel; Isaiah 41:10; MALACHI 4:2:
Think and whisper love and righteous to work be Friends.
Thanks understand to ourselves. The pleasure of wisdom. Perseverance eternal; Emblematic bridge. Extraordinary light resurrects REALIZED...

Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016; Venus reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Anael; month Barbiel; color blue #6; Canticles 2:1; Proverbs 2:8; 2nd. Timothy 1:7:

Seek our Supreme Divine god with extreme kindness. Our help is assured. Respect and feel faith Live. 
Walk in the path of rightness. Try and improve joyous and gratuity. Familial community miracles eternal. VISIONS...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016; Mercury reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; archangel Raphael; month Barbiel; color yellow; #5; Psalms 145: 9; 150:6:

Generosity, Prosperity, and =Humility.  Help is always there.
Courage leads us to the next challenge. Teach share in happiness read.
Our Supreme Divine God is gracious and kind to us. Delighted Strength and REVELATION...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; archangel Samael; month Barbiel; color red; #9; First John 3: 1& 2:

Lift the spirit of our Supreme Divine God of peace. Wear you Crown- Teach- Healing Discover.
Imagination attitude Encourage.
Will power abundant- believe; Consciousness happens PRIESTLY...

Monday, October 24, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Gemini; archangel Uriel; month Barbiel; color Indigo; #8; Proverbs 3:24:

Exalt the roads meadows and streams. Prosper faith. Find comfort in self. Remember ways of righteousness.
Orderly mercy praise unique novel. Brilliant spirit STRENGTH...

Sunday, October 23, 2016; sun reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Cancer; archangel Michael; month Barbiel; color golden orange; # 1,7; Jeremiah 9:24:

Peace to our future and descendants. Unique travel to the path. Your steps are ordained by our Supreme Divine God. Joyfully laugh salvation. Create an atmosphere. Reclaim  light system responsible REALITY...

Monday, October 24, 2016.; sun in Scorpio; ;moon reigns; archangel Gabriel; month Barbiel color green; #2,4; Jeremiah 24, 2016;

Achievement counts Praise, glory and honor look for help and keep it close. Patience truth. Satisfy love Gospel think the thoughts of our Supreme Divine God. good enhances and reveal expressions TOLERANCE,,,; 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016; Venus reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Gemini; archangel Anael; month Barbiel;  Isaiah 30:18; 2nd. Corinthian 4:18:

Toss you best all victories endures. Truth is everywhere. Ask of our Supreme Divine god. Enjoy pleasure of the universe. Events meditate deliverer. Precious gifts; Manifest Awards Faith SUSTAINABLE... 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016; Jupiter reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Taurus; archangel Sachiel; month Barbiel; color purple; #3; Psalms 96:9-13; Proverbs 6:23; Matthew 24:33:

The spark of trust acknowledge our Supreme Divine God. Good choices. Remember truth. Behold the strengthen power. Mutual relationships; Recognize celestial conssciousness PROTECTION...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016; Mercury reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Pisces; archangel Raphael; month Barbiel; color yellow; #5; 2nd. Chronicles 14:11; James 1:12:

Desire courage and strength. Kindness help others marriage in the presence of our Supreme Divine God. Maintain triumph inspire EXCELLENCE...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Aquarius; archangel Uriel; month Barbiel; color Indigo; #8; Psalms 23:4:

Believe in comfort of quietness. Opportunity be healed dream;  Righteous Our Supreme Divine God is one. Wisdom cycle instruct EXCLUSIVELY...

October 16, 2016; Sun reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Pisces; archangel Michael; month Barbiel; color golden orange; #1,7; Hebrew 10:23,24:

Strive and be brave. As the darkness blares the sunshine. This beautiful snow thrives as the heat Honesty compassion. Remember all commandments of love a gospel of our Supreme Divine God. Acclaim the twelve archangels watching Vibration SHINES...

Monday, October 17, 2016; moon reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Pisces; archangel Gabriel;  month  Barbiel; color green; ##2,4;  Deuteronomy 33:27:

Help me to listen; Allow the flight Let prayer bound focus. Healed self conscious friends. God Supreme Divine in our prayers freedom. Faithful;. Forgiveness influence FORTUNE...

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016; Venus reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Pisces; archangel Anael; month Barbiel; color blue; #6; Philemon 3:13:

Focus and practice. Earnestly pray and wish positively. Let LOVE. Brilliant triumph enduring courage.

Wonderful feed the stranger. Faithfulness strengthen grace. Precious in twelve signs the law of 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016; Jupiter reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Aquarius; archangel Sachiel; month Barbiel;  color purple; #3; Psalms 145: 19; Philemon 3:3:

Find your formula for success and use it. Let life be love.
Reflections in faith. Trust in our Supreme Divine God. Tenaciously seek. Reign almighty Redemptive people consciousness. Release cyclic ebb. Celestial multiplied ACTIONS...

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016; Mercury reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Aquarius; archangel Raphael; month Barbiel;  color yellow; # 5;  Psalms 3:3; first Timothy 6:12; Romans 8:28:

Become a steadfast star shining faith. Grace of the air that smells good. Praise. Consequences of choices do right. Secure our own approval and glory. Abundance. The worship announcing God Supreme Divine's Plan. Voices celestial dynamic energy FIELD...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016; Mars reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Capricorn; archangel Samael; month Barbiel; color red; #9; Jeremiah 33:3; Daniel 9:21:

Demonstrate a world of love. Willingly. Believe forgiveness hold to higher standards. Serve in truth. Pray dynamic to ou Supreme Divine God.  Awed. Prominent DECISIONS...

Monday, October 10, 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Uriel; month Barbiel; color Indigo; #8; Job 22:28; Romans 5:5:

History is our daily celebration of each moment. Walk in peace accomplished.
Keep friends- The sacred writings of knowledge grandeur. Wonders love Praise our Supreme Divine God_ HARMONIOUSLY... 

Sunday, October 9, 2016;Sun reigns; Sun in Libra; moon in Sagittarius; color golden-orange; #1,7; Zechariah 2:8:

Praise is our gift to our Supreme Divine God. Prepare righteous. Time Forgive in minds;
Act in memory. Spirit and creative power build- COMPLETELY

Monday, October 10, 2016; Moon reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Gabriel; color green #2,4; Isaiah 45:19; Deuteronomy 28:12:

Silent intuition returns; glittering prizes glory. Develop salvation promised... Splendor. 
Under righteous protection of our Supreme Diving God.Faith DYNAMIC>>>

Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016; Venus reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Scorpio; archangel Anael; month Barbiel; color blue. # 6; Job 11:17:

Actively pursue your dreams- Thanks with thanksgiving daily. Accomplish good.
We shall be saved from all to the wondrous garden of harmonious development. Stay on the path of our Supreme Divine God. Grandeur, grace song soft INSTRUCT...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016; Jupiter reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Scorpio; archangel Sachiel; month Barchiel; color purple; #3; James 1:5; Psalms 28: 8&9:

Try-Exalt- Discipline Success;
Donate glory happy pleasantness.
Arm of the gospel; prayer to our Supreme Divine God.  favorite; wisdom Hear my song good FORTUNE... 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016; Mercury reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Libra; archangel Raphael; month Barbiel; color yellow; #5; John 12:46; Hebrew 15:5:

Be with me oh Supreme Divine God As I feel my way. Try! Cherish yours, enjoy this moment and achieve, accomplish and belong to ultimate lights. Emblem INTELLECT...

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016
; Saturn reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Virgo; archangel Uriel; month Barbiel; color Indigo; #8; Revelations 21:23; Matthew 6:6:

Service and joy; time patience Remember. Generating of endless; Give Thanks; God Supreme Divine Messiah. Trusting spirit brilliant shining chosen. Feeling nature COOPERATION...

Sunday 10/2/16; Sun reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Virgo; archangel Michael; month Barbiel; color gold/orange; #1,7; Exodus 23;25; HEBREW 10:12:

Live in the presence Praising our Supreme Divine God daily and moment. Thanks to balance life. Relflect quietly and all will listen. Sovereign implicit newness. Millions angels. Creative sun of light. DEVELOPMENT...

Monday, October 3, 2016; Moon reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Virgo; archangel Gabriel; month Barbiel; color green; #2,4; Isaiah 62:11; Luke 11:1:

Faith is strength from our Supreme Divine God. Free the mind. Thanks for this infinite day; Rejoice. help by sharing happiness meditation. Go the distance. Law is truth high point consciousness, praised good GOALS...

Tuesday, October 4, 2016; Mars reigns; sun in Libra; moon in Libra; archangel Samael; month Barbiel. color red; #9; John 14:13; Psalms 25:1:

Shield me always and the branches of life wane.
Shadows 0f life reason and faith concentrate on impulsive good- the law of truth. Expect all from our Supreme Divine God. The brilliant flash. Nike symbolize VICTORY...