Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tueday, March 31, 2015; Mars reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Leo; archangel Samael; month machidiel; color red; number 9; Revelation 2:7:

Prepare your world
The word for a minute;
Light the brightness progress in spirit;
Swing pass the cross;
Enter inward into ourselves and reconcile with the Supreme Divine God in addition;
Launch music that reveal;
Approach PRACTICAL...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015; sun reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Cancer; archangel Michael; month Machdiel; col;or golden orange; Proverbs 31:9; Genesis 2:24; First Peter 3:12:

Reach you own standards the spiritual insurance is in effect.
Confidence and trust emotional power and self-control;
God Supreme Divine, approves all of life's messages and mission;
Honesty delivers new INTELLIGENCE...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015; Saturn reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Cancer; archangel Uriel; Month Machidiel; color Indigo; number 8; Psalms 66:1; Mark 16:6; first John 4: 16 & 19:

Appreciate the loving causes of self and our Supreme Divine God;
Simple lives are naturally correct; Let freedom reign; Accept the acceptable, perform mercy a seldom JEWEL...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015; Venus reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Gemini; archangel Anael; month Machidiel; color blue; # 6;Canticles 1:4; First John 4:11:

Praise the great ideas with action;
The help presence is their soul;
Reconcile with the power of  our Supreme Divine God in 
Conscious glory our vehicle of peace;
reinforce, pursuable PERFECTION...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015; sun in Aries; moon in Taurus; archangel Sachiel; month Machidiel; color purple; number 3; Ephesians 2:4:

Pray honestly;
Expect the best of myself today; Your source of pride;
Compulsively seek the power of the Supreme Divine God;
Teach and coach, praise and rejoice;
Stratospheric magic;
Seek and fulfill;
Think TACTFUL... 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015; Mercury reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Taurus; archangel Raphael; month Machidiel; color yellow; # 5; Psalms 25:10'; 33:1:

Feel powerful and better;
Brighten this day with spiritual aspirations and realizations;
dwell in joy;
Live in the Listening of our Supreme Divine God;
Work in presence;
Transforming energy into light;
Escalating to the fifth dimension of beauty;
Grow in ABUNDANCE...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015; Mars reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Aries; archangel Samael; month Machidiel; color red; number 9; Isaiah 6:3; Romans 8:16:

Sweet science of belief.
Architect of energy and pure love. Patience notice and watch;
Preserve perfect thought;
The gift of conversion.
Our debts are forgiven;
Concentrate and surprise self
Grown=in grace and TIME...

Monday, March 23, 2015


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard <rgreen012@aol.com>
To: rgreen012.daily <rgreen012.daily@bloggers.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 11:43 am

Monday, March 23, 2015; Moon reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Pisces; archangel Gabriel; month angel Machidiel; color green; number 2,4; James 1:5:

Icon graphic closeness to our Supreme Divine God;
Attract options and advance;
Travel your mind Change gladness;
Dimensions of life;
Powerful good habits spirit and

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015; Saturn reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Pisces; Archangel Uriel; month Machidiel color Indigo; # 8; Jeremiah 24:7; Ecclesiates 9:10:

Keep the spirit near;
Give heartedly;
Allow the presence of the Holy Spirit God Supreme Divine to reign in love;
Raise up and enter in the power of thought
Concentrate on delivering good daily

Sunday, March 22, 2015; sun reigns';moon in Pisces; archangel Michael; color golden orange; # 1,7; First Corinthians 13:6:

Let mercy respond
Plant flowers of good acts and habits;
Wellness return
to eternal life and righteousness;
Prayers offers a voice to our
Supreme Divine God angels follow composing

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015; Venus reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Pisces; archangel Anael; month angel Machidiel; color blue; number 6; Hebrew 4:3; Matthew 14:28:

Our day begin in Divine Supreme God's Strength wisdom;
Give and Shine;
discover possibilities praise is universal;
Among  a powerful instrument words.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015; Jupiter reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Aquarius; archangel Sachiel; month Machidiel; color purple; number 3; Isaiah 1:25:

Do your duty;
bare your  holiness;

Follow wisdom;
Approach today with will;
Do today what grows in grace;
Place good quickly;
Wise celestial faith;
Extreme BENEFITS...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015; Mercury reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Aquarius; archangel Raphael; month Machidiel; color yellow; #  5; First Samuel 16: 7:

Pour out the thoughts;
that brighten your day and others;
Imagine the strength power;
Trust in the fresh memory or God Supreme Divine that spark that burns bright;
Omnipresence vibrations and unified intelligence 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015; Mars reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Samael; month Machidiel; color red; number 9; Psalms 23:1:

The word is liken to the
finest gold.
open your arms to love;
Our Supreme Divine God is the join total all;
Allow a clear attitude;
you are precious;
The mighty arm religions on the righteous;
A faithful witness earns on chart;
Posterity  salvation functions 
Monday, March 17, 2015; moon reigns`; sun in Pisces; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Gabriel; color green; numbers 2,4; Psalms 37: 5;

Pray faithfully;
Our will be done joy and circles;
Truth is spoken unlimited power;
Quick and everlasting wisdom generates from
our Supreme Divine God. With marvelous might;
openness investigate

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015; sun reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Capricorn; archangel Michael; month Machidiel; color golden orange; number 1, 7; Psalms 103.8:

Time reigns;
plant good every moment of active thought;
Celebrate posterity;
Definitively liberate through work;
Learn and Play;
truth is the safest act of falsehood;
release the power of intellect; multimedia

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015; Saturn reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Uriel; month Machidiel; color Indigo; number 8; Exodus 17: 1; 2nd. Corinthians 9:6:

We are the essence of our Supreme divine god.
Do accordingly;
Allow your power of thought and will to guide ideas in creting a better world.
Enable the feminine principle to spark creativity.
Steer this course of virtues  and angels to

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday, March 13, 2015; Venus reigns; sun in Pisces;  moon in Sagittarius; archangel Anael; month Machdiel; color blue; number 6; Isaiah 42:21; Malachi 1:2:

Serve all with gladness;
Guide will power,
mindful appreciate happiness;
The Supreme Divine God reigns eternal;
pray and act in truth
Urban life also qualify light, power, development and

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, march 12, 2015; Jupiter reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Scorpio; archangel Sachiel; month Machidiel; color purple; number 3; Psalms 97:11 & 12; Hebrews 12: 1:

Consider the endless,
Infinite possibilities of our Supreme Divine God forever;
Enter into gentleness and venture with dynamic power and energies;
be originally eccentric and incline to mercy. Construct evangelical grace for a good reward and towering GUIDANCE...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015; Mercury reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Libra; archangel Raphael; month Machidiel; color yellow; number 5; Jude 3:

Open eyes, Control our feelings;
Pass on the exaltations and endure good;
worthy in liberty'
Our Supreme Divine God is enormous;
Seek the presence of spirit bell the healing

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015; Mars reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Libra; archangel Samael; month Machidiel; color red; number 9; Psalms 119: 105; Luke 4:43; First Corinthians 16:3:

Follow peace in all things;
Keep your standard;
Kindness is happiness;
Laugh in in joy;
Give thanks is the will to confirm success;
Obtain healing from our Supreme Divine God. Radiant creation and ENERGY...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015; sun reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Virgo; archangel Michael; month Machidiel; color golden orange; # 1,7:
Job 19:25; Matthew 5:8:

Correct when ever necessary;
Each day improves;
Joy vibrating through eternity return mercy;
Profess faith;
work diligently and make your changes and all will power.
Our Supreme Divine God in humility, willingness and patience rhythm. 

Monday, February 9, 2015; moon reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Virgo; archangel Gabriel; month Machidiel; color green; numbers 2,4; Proverbs 4:18; Jude 1:2; Mathew 5:7:

Renew in faith and spirit;
parallel good;
powerful joy; kindness in the seasons of gladness;
Shelter in the arms; 
all of our Supreme Divine God's Mercy and grace; 
Decisions in light and a significant instrument of CONFIDENCE...

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015; Venus reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Leo; archangel Anael;  John 10:37 & 38; Ephesians 5:19; Matthew 5:5:

Revive in Love;
Rewards of an eagle;
Eternal Friendships;
Marvels and Praises to stay in this companionship;
Preach vocals and command the vibrational power of truth;

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015; Jupiter reigns; sun in Pisces; archangel Sachiel; Machiediel; color purple; number 3; Leviticus 17:4:

The light of the world each day,
Cast your net as your work.
Plant  a seed and endlessly;
donate most precious of life;
Friendship reigns;
Comfort self and the world call the righteous;
Believing in your Supreme Divine God is truth. Exceptional sensitivity our beacon. Compliment exercise FIRMNESS...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015; Mars reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Cancer; archangel Samael; month Machidiel; color red; number 9; II Samuel 22:2; Ist. Corinthians 8:13:

Our Supreme Divine God gives power;
Raise to a higher standard;
Be generous in service;
teach in meekness-
find hidden opportunities-
Deliver light;

Wednesday , March 4, 2015; Mercury reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Leo; Archangel Raphael; month Machiediel; color yellow; number 5; Psalms 5:12; John 13:34:

Being is home, do good;
All are,
Save and be pleasant amiable and precious;
right the magic;
Do unto ourselves what the Supreme Divine God wills;
Through a good deed help all;
Improvise and receive

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015; Moon reigns. sun in Pisces; moon in Cancer; archangel Gabriel; month Machidiel; color green; number 2,4; Deuteronomy 28:12:
Faith heals immediately!
Good predicates all;
Recognize and release to realize and inherit love;
Run your race diligently.
Our Supreme Divine God provides constant help through prayer;
Endure for the victory. Think and celebrate
On this mission claim records gained  and prepare;

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015; sun reigns; sun in Pisces; moon in Gemini; archangel Michael; month Barchiel; color golden orange; numbers 1, 7; Proverbs 19:11; Colossions 1:17:

Transform minds by mixing peace;
Patterns & Discipline;
Manifest times and mercy;
Reward with Love;
Our Supreme Divine God calls to celebrate flowing