Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday June 5, 2010; Saturn reigns; sun in Gemini; moon in Pisces; archangel Uriel; month Muriel; color Indigo; number 8; Luke 6:36:
The well that we drink from flows with the sweet nectar of faith and perseverance. We ascend to the peaks of life and intellect by consistently doing. With each encounter add to the hearts a flash of spirit. This affirms the Divine Supreme God and the vibrating energy each new day with distinction and endless POWER...


1 comment:

The Good Tale said...

It is written Satan has deceived the whole world until the heel of time when a woman shall bruise him by exposing his lies Gen 3:15 check out the bruising of Satan and the true love of God for all at
Read all the posts to see the whole picture, val