Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010; Saturn reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Libra; archangel Uriel; month angel Asmodel; color indigo; number 8; Hauberk 2:14:
Allow your influence to leave an indelible scratch on this experience. Uplift those you touch or influence from a far. Give when it is necessary and with a willing heart. Capture the intrigue of righteousness in a deepen spirit. Conqueror with the help of the Supreme Divine God. Boldness and confidence are the gifts of forever...
Sunday, April 4, 2010; sun reigns; sun in Aries; moon in Oph. archangel Michael; month Asmodel; color orange/gold; numbers 1,7; Acts 4:33; Psalms 89:15:
Relinquish to gain love. This living is our best friend. Enjoin your neighbors in anyway you can. Feel the Divine Supreme God and the celestial lights of self-betterment. Today wrestle with the energy that nourish you and make it increase. Above all things-Intercede to return to truth...


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