Monday, February 13, 2017

+Saturday February 11, 2017; Saturn reigns; sun in Aquarius; archangel . Infinite romance with our Supreme Divine God. Grant peace and Uriel; month Barchiel; color Indigo; # 8; Hosea 12:6; Phelemon 2:13; Lessons 13:12:

Sail to the heavenly heights each moment greatest. Infinite romance with our Supreme Divine God. Great peace & grace. Elect the presence of celebrity. Ethereal space hard  won VICTORIES...

Sunday, February 12, 2017; Sun reigns; sun in Aquarius; archangel Michael;color golden/orange; #1,7; Psalms 125:1`:

Travel home constantly Trust in our Supreme Divine God continuously; with joyful love and realization refresh. Healing and comforting kind answers coming FAVORABLE...

Monday, February 13, 2017; Moon reigns; sun in Aquarius; archangel Gabriel; month Barchiel; color green; #2,4; Luke 17:5:

Nature is perfect law. Even the snowflake. Be redeemed in love. Our Supreme Divine Celestial God are there for us through life. Spontaneously tell-excite the valiant interior power. Perfection recognizable mighty spirit INTELLECT...


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