Monday, May 30, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016; Saturn reigns; sun in Gemini; moon in Capricorn; archangel Uriel; month Asmodel;  color Indigo; # 8; Psalms 8: 3&4; Zechariah 13:1: 

Honor family steer the path. Victory positive consciousness Life and joy deliverance. Negotiate millenarianism for all. Affirm fertile MINDS...

Sunday May 29, 2016; Sun reigns; sun in Gemini; moon in Capricorn; archangel Michael; month Asmodel; color golden orange; #1, 7: Canticles 4:16; John 6:47:

Be in faith. Face truth and be brave. Joy in our Supreme Divine God; Success is to try; Win quietly; in holiness perfect power our gospel.  PRINCIPALITY...

Monday May 30th.2016; Moon reigns; sun in Gemini; moon in Aquarius; archangel Gabriel; month Asmodel Color green; #2,4;  First Samuel 17:45; Matthew 16:26:

Thoughts, words acts lead to light and truth. The spirit of mother forge in growth and abide affirming happiness. Unit with our Supreme Divine God of the Universe. Win with helping ANGELS...

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