The timing is good for our universe. Patience and perseverance win the the greater consciousness. Challenges join my experience to help me grow. Enlightenment is the continuous gift of our Supreme Divine God in multiplicity and authenticity of sources with CONFIDENCE...
Sunday, June 22, 2014; sun reigns; sun in Cancer; moon in ARIES; archangel Michael; month Muriel; color gold/orange; numbers 1, 7; Psalms 27: 1& 11; Isaiah 2:3:
Pray, work and earn. Look and claim the victory. Courageous in challenges; and principle. Charge with cheerfulness. Take all the gratitude. Move to higher consciousness. Host all. Be mindful of our embryonic soul to our Supreme Divine God truth is a rep Be SELECTIVE...
Monday, June 23, 2014; moon reigns; sun in Cancer; moon in Taurus; archangel Gabriel; month Muriel; color green; number 2,4; Philomen 4:4; Romans 8:28:
Create friends and Best Beloved God Supreme Divine is our guide and Strength. Have the greater un-questionable faith. Delightful splendor is teaching with discipline. Choose friends with mercy and redemptive guideline. CREATIVITY IS THE SOURCE. DISCOVER OVERDUE rewards...
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