Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30th. 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Aquarius; archangel Raphael; month angel Advachiel; color yellow; number 5; 1st. Peter 3:12; Zechariah 14:5:
Allow yourself to be pampered in small ways. Equality is life in a  360 degree sphere. Release, express and acknowledge the great potential. Relate to your passions and encourage independent activities. God Supreme Divine embrace timely. Flourish in a Sabbath moment in the temple presence of living. Entertain significance. Be on your way the planet waits POSITIVELY...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Samael; month Advachiel; color red; number 9 Deuteronomy 31:6; Second Thessalonians 1:10:

Today be born into a new life. Mine! Stay in the game, perfect and prevail. Allow the Supreme Divine God to manifest through an appearance of the angelic corps. Exit gleefully with a song of harmoniously geared miracles. The mind, unity and inner spirit rise. Be brave, strong and of good courage. Hum songs of these delightful gifts. Grow patience today and imagine BETTER...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011; moon reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Gabriel; month angel Advachiel;  color green; numbers 2, 4; Zechariah 14:9:
Careful movements will result in success always. Publish the now from an official source. Be aware of the simplistic let those special know. Be loyal to all you touch. Let the stars of happiness go the distance. Give infinite thanks to our Supreme Divine God all Good Sovereign SHIELD...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011; sun reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Michael; month Advachiel; color gold/orange; numbers 1& 7; John 14:6:

Acknowledge all those miracles today and forever. Imagine your own technique for happiness and it is simply following your mind. In the wonders of life we find our Supreme Divine God. All our needs and decisions are pre-calculated. Spread the gospel in seeking let cause, plan and cure be in one vein. Radiate harmonious desires and REVELATIONS...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Scorpio; archangel Uriel; month angel Advachiel; color Indigo; number 8; John 8:31;

The sanctity of love is a softly hummed melodic sound; Lead in the spirit of our Supreme Divine God. Laughter is the tonic of peace. Feel for All and love one another. Loyalty is the power of culture. Arise in strength and glory. Become harmonious in your values. The brilliance of truth endures clearly. Focus in a wonderful RELIEF...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Scorpio; archangel Anael; month angel Advachiel; color blue; number 6: First Thessalonians 4: 11&12:

Today's possibilities are to grow and create new ideas based on your spirituality and balance. Heal our friendships. All you are deserving of will be there for you. Hustle to do the right thing always. Examine your motivation and connectivity to our Supreme Divine God. Fairness is designed for both and we all should deliver, designate and inform through BEAUTY...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Libra; archangel Sachiel; month Advachiel; color purple; number 3; Psalms 91:2; JAMES 1:5:

Grateful for this new revelation. In this great life each one is a sovereign compliment. Grace to the Super conscious
minds. Renewed faith in all systems. Command the offerings of life to all. Raise today because it is so. Realize all help comes from our Supreme Divine God through conduits. Incite the value of diplomacy as we celebrate our most gracious GIFTS...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, 11/23/2011; Mercury reigns; sun i Sagittarius; moon in Virgo; archangel Raphael; month angel Advachiel; color yellow; number 5; Psalms 110:3:
The daylight is waiting to burst through the morning clouds. Explore new realms of prestigious opportunities. Be anointed with several personages of the Supremacy of our God Divine. Appreciate the dignity of humanity. Today's journey to the sunset is our mission. Accept with gratitude. Nobly advance with motivated SINCERITY...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Samael; month angel Advachiel; color red; number 9; Psalms;4&5 ;
The essence of completion is patient perseverance. Those moments in lives which reflect be sure to nurture. Be confident to announce the plan of our Supreme Divine God. Apply the vitalities of this infinite power. Knowledge is the expression of spiritual awareness and intellectual pursuits. Honor all responsibilities. Energize the apostolic truth. Give and allow your blessings to rise. Let our disposition TEACH...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011; moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; archangel Gabriel; month angel Advachiel; color green; number 2,4; Malachi 3:17:
The time to grow up is in every moment lived; so commit to excellence a prospect of faith and the ultimate spiritual joy of our Supreme Divine God. True understanding lies in the greatest source this new breaking day. Enlighten and respond to the time of success and cooperation. Be ready to perform miracles as you evaluate OPTIONS...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011; sun reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Sextent; archangel Michael; month Advachiel; color gold/orange; numbers 1,7; Isaiah 66:13; 2nd. Corinthians 9:8:

Trust in the word of your thoughts but be on a sequential focus. Encourage and develop your emotions. Gifts in partnerships is sharing and favorable. Be a guide to the paradise of our Supreme Divine God. Design order through peaceful right actions .Refresh with solitude and then share then share with family. Listen to your advise and bond in COMMONALITY...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; Archangel Uriel; month Advachiel; color Indigo; number 8; Amos 9:7:

Make do with what you have and watch the abundance increase. In unity there is wealth, strength and the spark of our Supreme Divine God. Find fullness and trust in each step. In your deep feelings master the universe as you pray and step. Praise your prophecy. Appear impressive, vibrant and learned from the higher SELF...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, November 18,2011; Venus reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Cancer; archangel Anael; month Advachiel; color blue; #6; Revelation 21:7:

We are devoted to the spirit and our Supreme Divine God. Wear the colors of nature proudly. Work with independent choices of joyous thoughts. Greet today and eternal with optimism. The topicality of truth is this stage of civilization. Care for your corresponding and relentless forging POWER...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Gemini; archangel Sachiel; month Advachiel; color purple; # 3; First Peter 5: 8&9:
The beauty of our mother nature brightens even the sun of summer. Let the children have their expectations and enjoy gold, silver and bronze magical powers of Tinker Bell. The harmonious privileges are our creative intellect. Be Conscientious of the Supreme Divine God in self. Ask the universe for your accomplished rewards. The violet grows now THINK...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Gemini; archangel Raphael; color yellow; number 5; Ecclesiastics 9:1:

Freely and deeply are our most precious thoughts. Let them share. Treasure all relations as miracles. Let Supreme Divine God attain our love and share with others. Practice perceptions and speak of great qualities. Impart blessings as we travel forth. Pleasure this day as the most precious. Mediate on majestic greatness fruitfulness and rewarded. BELIEVE...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Gemini; archangel Samael; month angel Advachiel; color red; number 9; Isaiah 11:10:
The charm of thought is being able to see either side. A multitude of visions show a glorious ending. Hold to a new set of standards. Demonstrate a most valuable choice. The presence of the Supreme Divine God is centered in urgent prayer. Rejoice in overwhelming be gentle with EXTREMES...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011; moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Taurus; archangel Gabriel; month angel Advachiel; Color Green; Jeremiah 31:33; Matthew 11:28:

Now begins the time to explore the new day. You are totally responsible for how you proceed. Our angelic host are  on the road for us each moment. Pray in recognition of the universal love we symbolically use to to move amongst people. Let the righteous music flourish and make allowances for one another. The truth gospel of our Supreme Divine God. Build bridges from within. Angle confidence into TRIUMPH...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011; sun in Scorpio; moon in Taurus; archangel Michael; month angel Advachiel; color gold/orange; number 1,7; Joshua 24:15:

Be selective and become part of a noble commendable course. Acts of magical practices are our daily motions. Each day is a new gala event with great vibrations of our Supreme Divine God. Surround others with hope and helpful support. Steady devotion lead from each miracle. Triumph in reflecting through  FELLOWSHIP...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011; Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Taurus; archangel Uriel; month angel Advachiel; color Indigo; number 8; Isaiah 6:8; John 12:46:

Life is one endless chain linked to eternity. Prayer increases bliss as well call on the enjoying happiness. The Supreme Divine God beholds the glory and the spirit. Work with the powerful forces and the revelation of secrets. Believe in the resurgence-Stand and receive peace INFINITELY...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aries; archangel Anael; month Advachiel; color blue; number 6; Ist. Samuel 3:9; Ist. Timothy 6:6:
Compound our goodness by sharing amply. Stage a role each day and then manifest in our new age. Identify truth by reacting with faith. Build with prosperity materials as you add to nature's masterpiece. Seek solutions sincerely, and truly. Allow for healing and clarity. Transform each fleeting moment into collaborate and communicate with our Supreme Divine God where companionship is ENDLESS...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aries; archangel Sachiel; month Advachiel; color purple; # 3; Proverbs 10:22;
Think of good options that  can be felt and thought. Courage and faith are our greatest gifts that keep multiplying. Stay close to our  Supreme Divine God continuously in all things. Produce the stellar in our spirituality. Embodying light-Exercise LIFE...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun Scorpio; moon in Pisces; archangel Raphael; moon in Pisces; color yellow; number 5; Genesis 15: 1; Hebrew 11:6:
Love creates beauty and the sound of that still voice which incites symphonies. Illustrate equally the audiences we entertain. Help me to help others to fulfill their destinies. Assimilate with a working spirituality. Let words heap and reconcile.  Incite genuine genius with an appreciative 'thank you'. Act rightly and in due time the will of the Supreme Divine God shall fill an endless TREASURE...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Pisces; archangel Samael; month angel Advachiel; color red; number 9; Proverbs 4:23; Ist. John 17 :14:
Time is our greatest ally in accomplishing the future. Perfect in swerve and the bounty of the family held to the highest standard helps us to experience the God Supreme Divine consciousness. At the table of courage imagine all in victory. Wisdom manifest in quality. Talent is the age of challenging the unchallengeable. The light of perfection SHINES...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011; moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Pisces; archangel Gabriel; month Advachiel; color green; # 2, 4; Exodus 33:14; Revelation 21:6:
The most important simplicity matters even thought. The nature of glory is those people in your life whose influence kept us spellbound. The order and kingdom of truth are at hand. All happens to be stored in spontaneity of creation to enjoy. Picture solitude as your personal time with our Supreme Divine God. Thank your teachers whose lessons and words commit us to QUALITY...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011; sun reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aquarius; archangel Michael; month Advachiel; color gold/orange; numbers 1,7; First Corinthians 7: 25:
Attitude determine your attitude in the wealth and health and happiness. Example will enhance advice in quantum leaps. Work on each lesson as you get it. Cultivate compassion in thought. Marvelous is perfect simplicity. Show care in all things and lovely response. Enlighten strength energy and achievement. All are staunch celebrities of our Supreme Divine GOD...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011; Saturn reins; sun i Scorpio; moon in Aquarius; archangel Uriel; month Advachiel; color Indigo; number 8; Romans 8:21:

The time of our lives is now, yesterday and forever. Quality planning embodies the Supreme Divine God Sovereign of the Universe shall keep us all in perfect harmony. Resurrect the compelling good that testify to the oneness we sing in unison. Give thanks for every miracle. Push forward. Acknowledge and appreciate. Enter into comfort, contentment and HAPPINESS...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011; Venus reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aquarius; archangel Anael; month Avachiel; color blue; Psalms 23:6
Give all credence to the spiritual aspect of life while keeping the transitory in proximity. See the new landscapes with pleasing eyes. Gain the endless prospects command the royal realms of the Omnipresence of our Supreme Divine God. Endure  in humility. Learn to spend truth eternally abundant.  Think powerful and FREE...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon Aquarius; month Advachiel; archangel Sachiel; color purple; number 3; John 8:32; Isaiah 40:1 &2:
Set a new path to  travel where many can follow the endless laws of cause  and effect choices an trends  are opportunities. Mellodrama situations are a process. Ask of the Most High God and it is given amply.uild new roads with lovely bridges. Thanks to community symphonies blossoms prayer is the power and LOVING KINDNESS...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011; Mercury reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Capricorn; archangel Raphael; month  Advachiel; color yellow; number 5; First Peter 2:6:
Find the marvelous miracles in all signs and operations. Allow for the inexplicable to debut. Grow in fertile beginnings. Creativity is the science of patience. Enable the essence of self to define mutuality as we emphasize compassion and respect. God Supreme  Divine touches every single moment of silence. Intellect blossoms spontaneously. Endure with kindness deepen in HUMILITY...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Capricorn; archangel Samael; month angeladvachiel; color red; number 9; First Corinthians 9:24; Proverbs 10:9:
The visionwe  cherish grows when we act. Create by sharing and embarking on. Encourage the virtuous mind to grow and spread. Be in a life of eternal bliss as we were as children. When you have give amply. Our superior capital is that of our Supreme Divine God. Take advantage of past experiences responds enthusiastically as an intermediary. I am is valuelessly IMMENSE...