Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, November 30th. 2009; moon reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Aries; archangel Gabriel; month angel Avanchiel; color green; number 2,4;
Matthew 6:12:
See the value of the 'Ying' and 'Yang' . Our status elevates each moment to our own stardom. Be consciously aware and proclaim a position when needed. The advent of the Supreme Divine God is grace. It is the precious energy that is our compass and shield. Discover the presence of all friendships the tools of life are all ours to gentle thoughts treat each other as we would like them to be...


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009; sun reigns; sun in Sagittarius; Archangel Michael; month angel Avanchiel; color orange/gold; 1,7; 2nd. Thessalonians 1:10; 2nd. Corinthian 9:8:
Be Thankful for the relationships and richness we bring to each others lives. Our nature reflects the entirety of life. Hum the song or whistle the chords praising our Supreme Divine God Almighty. We are touring in this life meeting new friends and remembering all others. Do good things in spirit and body. Let us go out and create our daily bread. Keep to your own standards. We are all in free equality, Enjoy...


Saturday, November 28, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, November 28, 2009; Saturn reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Pisces; archangel Uriel; month Avanchiel; color Indigo; number 8; Zechariah 14: 9
As we enter this sphere of influence share what we bring in thought, song and verse. Giving extreme thanks to the Supreme Divine God for giving up abundantly. Our hands are tools of continuos good. Be enlightened with the displays of our universe the great night sky, the wind that blows and of course us beings of infinite prospects. Come to terms with yourself and practicing unconditional love for all things. Create a new...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday November 27, 2009; Venus reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Pisces; archangel Anael; month angel Avanchiel; color blue; number 6; Isaiah 32:18; Matthew 6:9 & 10:
Creating each moment enables our art to bring the Supreme Divine God into life. Planning our associations lead to rapid growth and the assimilation of our ideals. Feel accelerated as we shift to a higher gear in representing the education of our youth and the gospel of victory. Call out the plans and see our ability as endless as the 'black hole'. We are working on the power of the soul resources. Prayer is endless...


Thursday, November 26, 2009

(no subject)

Thursday, 11/26/09; Jupiter reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Pisces; archangel: Sachiel; month angel Avanchiel; color purple; number 3; Exodus 33:14:
'Every setback is a setup for a comeback'. Miscues are our greatest lessons. Heal the friendships for the winter test. Review the present as  the most important time ever. Lavish in good behavior the archetype of living. Encourage all with abundant evangelization. Work on improving strength in the weakest event, there lies the power. Accept the gifts from the Supreme Divine God by giving endless thanks in words and acts seasoned with the lessons of respect...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

(no subject)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009; Mercury reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Aquarius; archangel Raphael; month Avanchiel; color yellow; number 5; Matthew 5:8:
Build a new world to accommodate each of us. Raise the hearts of the children to the power of the Supreme Divine God. Feel a fresh outlook on living each moment. Redemption is the breathe we take each step. Focus on the light and walk tall. Win the world by inspiring art of the lasting peace. Arrive with a smile and let all eyes, ears and throats be healed...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009; Mars reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Capricorn; archangel Samael; month angel Avanchiel; color red; number 9; Matthew 5:5:
Release the consciousness of peace through services. The power to act today and forever emits from the Supreme Divine God. Diplomacy in the art of making peace and keeping it. The built in mechanics lie in the ministry of ufological spirits all around us is the lessons  we share daily. Our fortress lies in true wealth. All faiths are good and to to help us to make shift or adjustment to bring happiness...

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009, Monday moon reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Capricorn; archangel Gabriel; month angel Avanchiel; color Green; numbers 2, 4; Psalms 110:3; John 8:31:
Be ever ready, able and willing to assume any role that you may need to and then think as that being accomplished; Approach each task or challenge with victory in plain view; and  with positive reflections the light that guides. Each season offers a very important lesson in life. Focus on the power of the Supreme Divine God. Be inspired as you garner the magnificent energies.  Pray for all the entire United humanity...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

(no subject)

Sunday, November 22, 2009; Sun reigns; sun in Sagittarius; moon in Capricorn; archangel Michael; month angel Avanchiel;  color /orange/gold; #'s 1& 7:Ist. John 2:25:
The message that is needed has been overwhelming in it importance for good. Fate and faith work together for all things seen and imagined. Each day spend some quality time with the Supreme Divine God alone. Ready to help and guide. Build an initiative to utilize all existing in a peaceful manner. Like the eagle on the great seal one foot olive branches, the other arrows. Be diligent, cooperative and creative. Circulate our thinking in the past and all eternity...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009; Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Sagittarius; Archangel Uriel; month angel Avanchiel; color Indigo; number 8; Malachi 3:17:
We live by the breathe of a musical note, a pleasurable word and all the signs of the Supreme Divine god. Love the spiritual body as we flame the physical with equal reverence. Let us all be always reminded of mercy and else will follow. Today is our great day of thanksgiving and the remainder of the times. Build the new movement from the crisis of the moment...


Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009; Venus reigns sun in Scorpio; moon in Sagittarius; archangel Anael; month Advachiel; color blue; number 6; Psalms 99:42:
Today we begin to develop authentic working principles as the Supreme Divine God guides our path. Set up the moment with the gift of life our greatest reward and help. Share the wondrous humanity with those who have yet to be introduced to the angelic riches of now more than ever. Let us build the model; for all of those to walk in strength. Repetitive thoughts of all the way good. Bond together with those of like faith...


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Orph. ; archangel Sachiel; month Avachiel; color purple; number 3; Zechariah 10:1; Proverbs 3:5:
Create your chart and be on the top shelf, and leave the runner up for all others there. The thunder within you roars ready to sound. Speak with the patterns to those we touch. The jewels are visible to those who can recognize. Sensitivity to all will lead to the truth of the Supreme Divine God. Love in thoughts, strength and unity gracefully. Give...!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

(no subject)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009; Mercury reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Scorpio; archangel Gabriel; month Avachiel; color yellow; number 5; Psalms 37:37: The size of the physical is a symbol of the endless spiritual. Consciously focus on this moment everlasting. The touch is our parallel phenomenon to the thought. Our Supreme Divine God and the oneness of faith is our perpetual joy. Watch the mood that you control today, it  is ours. Silently accept and align with certainity as we listen deeply... 

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Scorpio; archangel Samael; month angel Avachiel; color red; number 9; Isaiah 12:10:
Our senses allows us to predict the path to travel.  Rhythms is the compliment. Let the angels guard our lives. The field goal oftentimes win over the touchdown so perceive the difference of what is lesser yet good. Empower urgency be committed to patience. Let our hands hold tight as we seek peace in the Supreme Divine God.  Visit a few minutes be joyous and mediate deep...


Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday November 16, 2009; Moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Libra; archangel Gabriel; month angel Avachiel; color green; Jonah 2:7; Ecclesiastes 9:1:
The height you attain depends on the Thrust for altitude. Know your spirituality and power as you approach each moment. Raise up the Shield of your Supreme Divine God. Abide with the love generated. Our triumph lies in the obedience to principles. All voices are louder and more potent when we honor community and service...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009; Sun reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Michael; month angel Avachiel; color orange/gold; numbers 1,7; Isaiah 11:10:
Being responsible makes good things happen. Win-Win means to enjoy victory and to plan, envision, and assume same. A universal cooperative arrangement is to accept light and all it reveals. Let the altitude you desire be your goal. Ride the wind. Feel the effectual power of the Supreme Divine God through fervent prayer. Forgive you and collect the rewards...


Saturday, November 14, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, November 14, 2009; Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Virgo; archangel Uriel; month Avanchiel; color Indigo; number 8 Jeremiah 31:33:
 The Supreme Divine God listens to even our thoughts. Be always cognizant of the gifts in each small portion or token of events.  Every day begin our new age to experience with living. In right action are the rewards consistently. Give thanks for all our moods each deliver a message. The will in our hearts resurrects the indispensability of our mighty spirit. Go with care and praise each other...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

(no subject)

Thursday, November 12, 2009; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; archangel Sachiel; month Avanchiel; color purple; number 3; Isaiah 6:8/Psalms 3:4:
React to the power of the Supreme Divine God and notice  the sudden increase. Let our words all serve to elevate and calm the thoughts and rhythms of one another. Music is the celebratory act of mother peace. Have increasing bliss as we recognize every crossing breeze. Let us give thanks today by offering unadulterated forgiveness. Become the dream of the loyal followers of faith...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009; Mercury reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Sextant; archangel Raphael; month angel Avanchiel; color golden yellow; number 5; 1st. Samuel 3:9; 1st. Timothy 6:6:
Celebrate the day of Universal justice today and forever. Rely on others and results are without, on self and they are within. Hear the other beat often inaudible  and amplify it. Retain the good in each moment and allow its expressive action. Our summit is reached at the eternal revelation called now. Reveal our devotion in active kindness. Our insatiable activity is our relationship with the Supreme Divine God generously growing in loving forgivingness. Enjoy strength...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

 Tuesday, November 10, 2009; Mars reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Leo; Archangel Samael; month angel Avanchiel; color red; number 9; Daniel 2:21:
The time and size of our records are based on those moments of the Divine Supreme God.  Redeem with our kind words and praying thoughts. Deliver the message to the children in the language they comprehend. Hold for the blessings and strive for the exaltations. Stand tall and receive the showers of our productive partnerships and endless success. Work creatively . Treat all with importance...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday November 9, 2009; Moon reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Cancer; archangel Gabriel; month: Avanchiel; Daniel 12:20; Hebrew 11:6:
Obeying our souls enables us to think the thoughts generated from the Supreme Divine God who offers true and firm ideas that are turned to instant landmarks. Act rightly and decide your direction and defend it with compassion and fervor. A sane character of integrity is the formula for genius. Enter into the light of prayer. Maintain the moral order by committing to quality...


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009; sun rules; Sun in Scorpio; moon in Gemini; Archangel Michael; month angel Avanchiel; color Orange/gold; number 1.7; Micah 7:8:
Our talents are the messengers of the Supreme Divine God to the universe. Stabilize your creative power with every act we take henceforth. Be at the helm of good even with streaming odds since the endless possibilities are ours. Celebrate the beauty and grandeur of family. The endless light is the word. Acknowledge and appreciate the supporting role of one another. Allow the values and principles to guide our examples of non-judgmental thoughts...


Saturday, November 7, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, November 7, 2009, Saturn reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Gemini; Archangel Uriel; month angel Avanchiel; color Indigo; number 8; Revelations 21:6; Exodus 33:14:
Celebrate a new wonder today and each new one. Develop the colors of compassion in your voice and vision then travel within and listen. Be inspired by the soul and its angelic representations. Each moment we should work on the happiness of all we touch. The Supreme Divine God wants us to seek the largess of the universe. Play the same with stamina and strength. Give ear to every word. Our family is the future of freedom...

Friday, November 6, 2009

  Friday, November 6, 2009; Venus reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon in Taurus; archangel Anael; month angel Advachiel; color blue   Blue; number 6; First Corinthian 7:25:
Fill up with compassion in all the blank spaces. Care for your special ness and others will also follow. Thank yourself each time you think about and just imagine. We are where we are because of me. Yes your contribution. Freely expressive affords attention to your position. Prepare the results you want and follow the Supreme Divine God to assist in effective spirit. Create an efficient plan. Illustrate your style in the light of day...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

(no subject)

Thursday, November 5, 2009; Jupiter reigns; sun in Scorpio; moon inTaurus; archangel Sachiel; month angel Avachiel; color purple; number 3; Romans 8:21:
Create your own image and phrase to change humanity. Be a part of the gospel or the door to enter. Incite your dormant energy. Become the great mercy of the Supreme Divine God manifested. Give of your self liberally first to yourself. Practice your faith openly. Reach the spirit by governing yours. Today we are a miracle. brimfully happy...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday NOVEMBER 4, 2009;  Mercury reigns; Sun in Scorpio; moon in Taurus; archangel Raphael; month angel Avachiel; color yellow; number 9; Psalms 23:6:
Allow you spirit to flow into all community.  Sing a a crown or an individual. Engage this strong triumph as the new genetic code. Get a listing of all the right things in life. Tracks are visible forever. Strengthen our personnel missions with practice and actions. Inherit the conquest of this immortal and free your self to mention service to the Supreme Divine God...


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009; Mars reign; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aries; archangel Samael; month angel Advanciel; color red; number 9; Isaiah 40:1& 2; John 8:32:
Let us try focusing today positive in each event. Release and regain the day. Create small symphonies within the moment. Keep the law to the letter and exercise with the spirit. Utilize the whole mind giving the name with active models to accomplish much. Pardon those who share their own values as they serve the said Supreme Divine God. Pray with fervor accomplish enthusiastically.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009; sun in Scorpio; moon in Aries; archangel Gabriel; month angel Avanchiel; color green; numbers 2,4; 1st. Peter 2:6:
Popularity is relative, reputation is lasting. Allow the message to be sent forth with each breathe. Treat each one to another as the most important people which we are. Sing the song of praise with intellectual fervor. Add to your character so it is vividly clear who we are. The Supreme Divine God will include gracious glory to your good works. Try a little harder today and watch the success. Take proper measures on your own, diminishes dependency. Humility is the greatest...


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday November, 1, 2009; Sun Scorpio; moon in Pisces; archangel Michael; month angel Advachiel; color gold/orange; number 1,7; !st. Corinthian 9:24:
 As we move forward our mission becomes like an hydroelectric plant generating information from a basic source and encouragement from the heart. Be the visionary that causes others to see through the ethereal realms. The time as a child allowed us to love unassumingly. The Supreme Divine God guides us on a righteous path to enjoy the special gifts of humility. The light of the world is the sound, taste and smell we utilize in our developmental powers. Spend your time wisely...