Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009 Venus rules; sun in Leo; moon in Scorpio; archangel Anael; month angel Verchiel; color blue; number 6; John 10:9:

Always 'win-win' in life offers the alpha and omega credence. Practice this living tradition. Watch all the intricacies carefully. Today re-charter each moment with your inner peace in front. Let  the Supreme Divine God offer the intimacy we expect. There exist deep with the beauty we seek through principle and fidelity it reigns...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009 Jupiter reigns; sun in Leo; moon in Libra; archangel Sachiel; month Verchiel; color purple; # 3; Psalms 121:3:

The celebrants of life are those with a joy for simply living. Always point to the power of the Supreme Divine God. Our answers come from all directions. Quiet your mind for greater awareness. Be right and principled and value your position to lead and follow. Your glory lies  in offering each soul some comfort in light...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday July 29, 2009; Mercury rules; sun in Leo; moon in Libra; archangel Raphael; month Verchiel; color yellow; number 5; Psalms 34:17:

Your fate is meant for you to gain wisdom on this journey. Always consider this before you act and speak. See the Supreme Divine God everywhere from  the heart to the flowers.  Resolve issues diligently and brighten your mission. Seek the intuition of daily meditation. Gain the value of the gospel of experiences...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

(no subject)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009; Mars rules; sun in Leo; moon in Virgo; Archangel Samael; month angel Verchiel; color red; number 9; Psalms 133:1; Matthew 5:9:
Dwell with one another in spirit every moment. Be thoughtful, kind and courteous to all. Become entranced by the quieting of your mind. Produce a crop of joy and fulfillment. Integrity helps to enlarge confidence as we approach our lives with consistency. The Supreme Divine God is the supplement of our thoughts. The love we share is the essence of all religion. Traditions promote community calm...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday July 27, 2009; Moon rules; sun in Leo; moon in Virgo; archangel Gabriel; month angel Verchiel; color green; #'s 2,4; Psalms 121:4:

These days of life are filled with the joys you chose.  The Supreme Divine God gives us strength, courage and sources to go forth with vigorous songs of faith.  Pack the moment with your favorite taste and thoughts making each day a honeymoon smiles and peace.  Face each challenge as wonderful lesson. Bridge our time completely.  Good intentions are followed with superb actions...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009 Venus rules; sun in Leo; moon in Cancer; archangel Anael; month Verchiel; color blue; number 6; 2nd. Corinthian 5:17:

Practice the intuitive power we are embellished with. Approach the Supreme Divine God with joy and reverence. Study your path carefully. Build with the remnants of forever. Help is giving faith is living. Embrace today as yours and how special you are to have it.  Win-Win is to listen effectively and nurture the people and things that bring happiness...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday July 21, 2009; Mars rule; sun in Cancer (Consciousness) moon in Gemini; Archangel Samael; month angel Verchiel; Color Red; number 9; Jeremiah 6:

Being is a vast endless experience. Train your minds and hearts to celebrate the special ness of all. Rise each new day into a most unique life expression. Quietly meditate and the Supreme Divine God will answer. In simplicity is your greatest service. The statutes are empowering and en dowering...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009, Moon rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Gemini; Archangel Gabriel; month angel Verchiel; color Green; numbers 2,4; Psalms 119:89

Becoming the best encourages all to strive, unify and obtain support for those in your midst. Give gifts of life from your soul which the Supreme Divine has ordained. There is life in belief and it grows by exercising good thoughts. Care for your garden, family and friends they are changeless.  Read all signs carefully...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

(no subject)

Sunday, July 19, 2009 Sun rules; sun in Cancer (Conscious); moon in Taurus; archangel Michael; month Verchiel; color golden orange; numbers 1, 7; Luke 12;29,31;  Ephesians 4:3:
Control all challenges simultaneously. Life will lift you to peaks just prevail. Be still and just think. Make a conscious effort to bridge any conditions or rifts that exist. Care for all you started. Realize the Supreme Divine God working in patience, smiles and miracles. Allow prayers and truth to transform your life...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, July 18, 2009; sun in Cancer (Conscious); moon in Taurus; Archangel Ureil; month Verchiel; color Indigo; number 8; MATTHEW 16:24
Utilize the source of power most readily available. Assist all in linking with the rhythmic flow of civilization. Pray helps us to recognize God Supreme Divine eternal in our souls. Bear boldness and a courageous stance to garner successful results. Obey the spirit as it gives us new inner spiration and travel the path...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009; sun in Cancer (Conscious); moon in Aries; archangel Anael; month angel Verchiel; color blue; number 6; 2nd. Thessalonians 3:13;

Sure up your position and move to the ultimate victory. Team up with the righteous and good to insure a vast network of the Supreme God's influences. Reach deep in the souls all we touch offering solace and love. Live in the presence of this beautiful new day. Detail details. Pray while the thought occurs. Reflections quiet the mind and give guidance, wisdom and power to our life's gospel...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

 Thursday July 16, 2009 Jupiter rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness) moon in Aries; archangel Sachiel; month Verchiel; color purple; number 3 Psalms 119: 30; 2nd Corinthian 9:8;

Exercise the reflective mind and experience the great possibilities of life. Be inspired by correcting each step towards the maximum level of performance. Believe in the possibilities of the improbable. Loyalty is the policy of the Supreme God Divine. Enhance your deep commitment by creating a new reference the the hearts of all people...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Mercury rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Pisces; archangel Raphael; month Verchiel; color yellow; number 5; 2nd. Timothy 2: 19:

Acknowledge change in your growth. Feel appreciated  and let others share it. Your game is all-star caliber in whichever area, position or audience. Refresh your mind, body and soul during this period and engage your fullest potentials.  Prepare for the rewards practice for the rewards. Practice the synergetic power of win-win. Enjoy the happy love of the Supreme Divine  God...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday  July 14, 2009; Mars rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness) moon in Pisces; Archangel Samael; month Verchiel; Color Red; number 9; John 20;27:
You are to everyone a smile, kind word or deed. Relax and be happy with your most special today. Others will act on our wishes and mental commands . Satisfy taste with faithful beliefs and walk with your Supreme Divine God Continuously. Practice in the presence of love. Tend the garden of life. Learn to accomplish efficiently  and be embodied in the creative energy...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Pisces; Archangel Gabriel; month Verchiel; color green; #'s 2,4; Matthew 34:25:

Look on the bright side of living in the presence overwhelming charm of music and nature whole. Work on accomplishing the goals beyond. Let the Supreme Divine God be you, 911, 411, 311 and 111. Prepare for victory, winners win. Live a proclaimed life commanding kindness for others and self. Start and finish good...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, July 11, 2009, Saturn rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Aquarius; Archangel Caphriel; month Verchiel; color Indigo; number 8: Psalms 36:10:
Seek the importance in others as you do yourself. Be filled with virtue and share it as you go. The Creative power flows when the mind allows it to. Confidence strides when faith rides. Boldness and courage are the basic gifts of the Supreme Divine God. Those smallest are our best teachers. Be free in wisdom and trace knowledge...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009; Jupiter rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Capricorn; Archangel Sachiel; month: Verchiel; color purple; number 3; Malachi 3:17:

Wisdom and free choice give us the momentum to travel destiny and the inevitable. Resurrects good and experience with the ancestors confidence and truth. Pursue goals that allow you to enjoy the spark of endless happiness. The engerical light supports your moments.  Spirit allow us to gain abundantly...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009; Mercury rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Sagittarius; archangel Raphael; month Verchiel; color yellow; number 5; Romans 3:24:

Be always focused on the 'ins' they tell the real story. Always ready to brighten your day and others. The goodness of the Supreme Divine God is infinite. Feast on the light of Joy. Begin living life in the cradle of concepts. Step up and observe. Chose your plan today for the success tomorrow. Liberate yourself is our fundemental mission with right actions.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday July 7, 2009; Mars rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Sagittarius; Archangel Samael; month angel Verchiel; color red; number 9; Amos 9:7:

Converting our passion into compassion is the most glorious toward. This is the focus of the Intelligence of the Supreme Divine God. The challenges of the righteous is to exercise courtesy to every soul even the angels. Our success lies in the ability to challenge the unchallengeable. Freedom is action.  Value careful thought internalized conscience...

Monday, July 6, 2009

(no subject)

Monday, July 6, 2009, Moon rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness);moon in Sagittarius; Archangel Gabriel; month angel Verchiel; color: green; numbers 2,4; Psalms 34:14:
Learn of yourself on a regular basis. Let the gravity of your strength govern your circle. The angels are there for us as the ambassadors of the Supreme Divine God. In faith you are unique. Let your challenges be a lesson in the living relations with body and soul. Value the soundness of dignity fill with expectations...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday July 5, 2009;  Sun rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Ophelia;  archangel Michael; month Verchiel; color orange/gold; number 1,7: Revelation 21:4:

Life contains all levels of achievement for us to chose. The universe and the foundation. The present moment is filled with happiness and peace for us to cherish. Hold onto the value of the service you provide. Improvement will grow. The challenges with Supreme  Divine God will help and turn them into victories. Seek and express being more...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

(no subject)

Saturday, July 4, 2009; Saturn rules; sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Scorpio; Archangel Caphriel; month angel Verchiel; Color Indigo; number 8;  Psalms 32:11/ John 6:35:
Celebrate freedom each new moment. Give thanks for the opportunity to raise up a new standard. Sing songs to the highest peaks of the good of the Supreme Divine God. Grow stronger  as the rays of the inner & outer sun beam forth. Free our minds to think as reflections of compassion and dignity...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday July 3, 2009, Venus rules; sun in Cancer (Conscious); moon Libra; Archangel Anael; Month angel Verchiel; color blue; number 6;  Exodus 33:14;

The light of the world often shines dark and we see from our hearts. Your outer success lies with your inner victories. Let the daily exaltations be made good use of.  The gospel of genuine faith is to love in spite of the often absolute reality.  Capture details. Hear the inaudibly thundering voice of the Supreme Divine God vibrate with kindness..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

(no subject)

Wednesday, July, 1, 2009. Mercury rules. sun in Cancer (Consciousness); moon in Virgo; Archangel Raphael; color yellow; number 5; Mark 9:41:
The place you share in this life is as important as any other.  A season to play and replenish our commitment begins today. Utilize your technique of reasoning to reach a deeper comprehension. Obey the power of freedom together with love. Brighten each new moment with smiles as we meditate on the Supreme Divine God. Help to create and renew all things...