Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31, 2008
We all know the work we do and its purity and value.  Pray to the Supreme Divine God Highest to pull us out of the areas that we may falter. Our daily task is to commit ourselves intimately to build families and communities.  All things work together to ultimately lead to victory.  Be wise and civilize even in the moment...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30, 2008
The wisdom to know will help you to solve the greatest mystery. Be ever a learner and a doer.  Listen twice  as much as you speak.  Erect around yourself parapets of faith and the power of the Supreme Divine God Most Highest. Build  an emblematic so those in the path can reach across safely.  We are the sum total of all...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29, 2008
Seek diligently the spirit and soul of the Supreme divine God Most Highest.  There is our wise support.  We are endowered with great strength and natural knowledge.  The importance to be committed to organizing.  It helps to spread the family and recognize relationships...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008
Let humility be your sole pride and conscience integrity." Pay those bills and watch the rewards.  Be able to speak to all who can be heard.  Light is your mission to illuminate the path to the Supreme Divine God. Stay on the road of improvement your time is nigh.  Encouragement and authentic communication improve our relationship and human possibilities. Be clear about choices and consequences...

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008
Each new challenge is a memory of life and is to be appreciated. Go the distance and complete the task it will be all yours at the finish line. The spirit of the Supreme Divine God Most High will flow like the streams and bring you rewards. Be ever a testimony to virtue. Work for the true and lasting elegance for all.  Study in the pleasure of learning...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008
Our thought, speech and knowledge are currency to enrich our lives and exalt our humanity.  Decisions are to be meticulously  decided. A faithful disciple of God Supreme Divine is there to console others with smiles, cheers and good words. Each mission should reflect the spirit of truth  and deliver a  healing message of love...

October 25, 2008
Reclaim our ascendancy to the Supreme Divine God Most High. Give thanks for every situational moment. The family is the ultimate on the external sacred scale emerging from self.  We are all intrinsically linked to good enjoy it. The peace of knowing is our healing power...

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Supreme Divine God will rise to heal those in the wings of righteousness.  Work in the mercy of love for the children and the humanity will reward you with a future. Lead a quiet life in the sanctity of peace and love for one another. Parents are the loving spirit of their sons and daughters. Involve good judgement over desires.  See all options with deliberateness.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 2008
Bring all we touch to walk in the light of wisdom and overstanding.  In life we are always a student learning each lesson in your major and minor. Monitor your thoughts closely and govern all actions thoroughly.  Education is effectively taking the path of development in society.  Dedication to the Supreme Divine God Most Highest gives us the energy of power...


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008
Our great day of reckoning is each new one we handle the challenges and you manifest good.  Be of good cheer in all things and accept only what you deserve. The Supreme Divine God Most Highest has the power to uplift the righteous. Inaugurate your ministry with truth.  Think future presence...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21, 2008
Stand firm to your principles of excellence and freedom in all your works. Teach our children the deepest reverence and love for the Supreme Divine Most High God. Show them enthusiasm for the glory of reading and learning. Be ever focus and meditate on prayer in prayers. The truth is immutable and can be kept in action... 

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20, 2008
It is us the righteous to dwell in peace with all.  Continue to march forth and gain the momentum for victory.  Let the work  be impressionable and improve on each of their beliefs as you strengthen yours. Marriage  like a friendship is a reciprocal goal.  The Supreme Diving God will bear with you all the burdens of life...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 19, 2008
The thought is a very important so dedicate to it.  Let our courage inspire others  to believing success.  Face all consequences by being in total charge of them. Let a little more reflection govern each new move.  We tell each other of the unbreakable alliance between you and the Supreme Divine God Highest...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18, 2008
Handle all matters wisely and with dignity. "Laws are for the lesser, good conduct is for the greater." Maintain a good and peaceful course in life. Be generous in your service tothe Supreme God Most Highest. Be devoted in acts and spirit in improving our conditions. We all share in this intrinsic moment of the presence...

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008'
Make each new day a happy and a holy one to celebrate.  Treat yourself to the finest array of all.  This is the first of the new beginning and our new legacy.  The Supreme Divine God Most Highest has /have the Infinite wealth and health in abundance to share with each of us.  Let the family dynamics change as we grow in faith , love and trust for one and all...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 16, 2008
Either way in life it will work in our favor. Bring all into the glory of light and wisdom. Know that the plan of our lives depends on now. We think it will emerge.  Prepare yourself for the pending success.  Become exclusive in the likeness of the Supreme Divine God Most High.  Live in the mode of now and forever...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15, 2008
Choose the Supreme Divine God at all times cherish the relationship in work and praise.  Play your part in destiny with each word or act. How we say it, let it happen sooner. Allow for those quiet statements and answers to questions in our heart.  Become a fusion of all worlds. Be the Doctor of wisdom and spiritual health... 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

 October 14, 2008
Be moved by  the spirit deep within and in plain view.  Let our meetings always be on a  lovely,  happy and productive terms.  Be brave and  in command of your life.  Lend to the ever improvement of this.Educate with courage. Character plus the bright light of the Supreme Divine God Most Highest...

Monday, October 13, 2008

October 13, 2008
Sit down and let the Supreme Divine God Most Highest love you and exalt you  with cautious but tenacious courage. Tell of the wondrous results. Believe that you deserve respect and attract it.  Fill yourself with faith and honest objectivity.  Treats are rewards that are self directed, cherish them along with their reciprocal... 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008
In your daily endeavor, work to remedy the conditions which affect the globe and your personal universe.  Evaluate yourself based on your parameters and standards. Be ever pregnant with ideas yet being reminded  at term deliver the offspring.  The Creator Most High God gives us the portion to heal...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 11, 2008
Cleanliness of the mind, body and spirit enables one to move with clarity, consistency and correctness.  Let your friends determine your level of growth. Organic care is a natural path to living according to the laws of the Supreme Divine God Most Highest.  That crown we wear should vigorously stress love...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 09, 2008
Go to your strength in all you do.  Thought is dynamic, "word is bond". Know the ways of acts of goodness and let it be just that.  Learn every lesson well. Take pride in the least as much as the greatest. Self assessment is most vital for progress. Be always reminded of the awesome works of the Supreme Divine God Most High...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8, 2008
Be level and faithful as you travel the path.  Seek the quiet alternatives. Digest your knowledge with acts of kindness. Be silent in all thought and speak in that realm.  The Supreme Divine God Most Highest gives us the comfort and joy...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 7, 2008
Be filled with the power of the Supreme Divine God Most High is simply to pray a short moment. As we become so are those in the path of guidance, offer solidarity.  Thoughtful acts go a far way with those you love. The spark of potential growth begins in the intellectual moment that we focus. Meditation is repetition of the spiritual path of balance.  Good life to all...

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6, 2008
We are named according to our deeds.  All rejoice in the riches and health that the Supreme Divine God Most Highest bestow upon us.  Be happy in your daily task.  Be calmly active, and actively calm as you enjoy this life and day in paradise. Invest in the wealth of good living and pray the Lord's Prayer for the Universe.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5, 2008
New ideas are needed to create a different path to peace and humility. Give a soothing touch, smile or word to those who are in need. Breathe a moment into eternity with your opulence of power and greater consciousness. Share with them least lacking.  The intelligence of the Supreme Divine God Most High is for all to carefully embody...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4, 2008
Think contemporaneous in all your experiences.  Bring all into your current living. Seek instructions of the ancients and succeed where they erred.  Focus on progress and those moments that will guide you in a meticulous and definitive manner. Boldness and courage are ordained by the Supreme Divine God Most Highest.  Elevate to the heights of pleasure and then practice with a passion...

Friday, October 3, 2008

October 3, 2008
The body is our temple of good.  Balance your work for self and the Supreme Divine Most Highest God.  Take time to details and they will gurantee success.  Meet your need of knowledge by exercising reason. Take a hard look at accomplishments and victories.  Be  a silent voice in a blare that tells truth...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008
Be delighted in doing good works and in due time your rewards are there to enjoy.  Be balanced in the carrying out of your daily task and take a moment to reflect.  Be righteous and the recognition will shade the future.  Take the just path it leads to the real good living. Teach with integrity and follow the accompaniment of the Supreme Divine God...